Pamplona invites you to enjoy leisurely its parks and wander through its old town, it invites to taste its cuisine and its popular snacks, watered with a good wine, enjoy the unique festivals of Spain, the San Fermin
Orgi oak grove
Ancient forest, the only witness of secular oak wet Navarre with great ecological interest. Natural Recreation Area with reception areas, rides and conservation. A unique landscape that always amazes visitors.
Señorío de Bertiz Natural Park
A fabulous botanical garden with blackbirds, squirrels and seven species of woodpeckers stand out in this Natural Park along the western Pyrenees of Navarre next to the river Bidasoa with large trees and well preserved in the term Oieregi.
San Miguel de Aralar Sanctuary
It is one of the most famous spiritual centers of Navarre. It is a Romanesque temple with three naves and three apses located at the top of the mountain chain of Aralar, from where a spectacular view can be seen. If the sanctuary is ...
Santa María de Eunate
Enclave of first order in the "Camino de Santiago" (Santiago´s Trip) Navarro, close to Puente la Reina. Art, religion, history and magic are concentrated in its octagonal church and cloister. Unforgettable for those who visit it.
Puente la Reina
Puente la Reina-Gares es un enclave muy importante en el Camino de Santiago. La peregrinación jacobea se plasma especialmente en su Calle mayor y en el extraordinario puente medieval, del siglo XI, con sus 110 metros de largo.
Zubieta Mill
It is one of the places where the time has stopped. It was built in 1785 as a real mill and nowadays is an active eco-museum. Its miller still uses his hands and utensils to grind the wheat and the corn, and you can make your own cake.
Peru-Harri. Stone Park
Stone museum made by Iñaki Perurene in the mountain, 2 km from Leitza firection to Uitzi. A unique museum where Iñaki and his son Inaxio tell myths, history and culture in stone, like a giant of 40 tons.
Cerco de Artajona
Es el conjunto amurallado medieval más importante de la Zona Media de Navarra, construido en el siglo XI de los que conserva 9 de sus 14 torreones almenados con su camino de ronda.
Colegiata de Roncesvalles
Orreaga / Roncesvalles is the entrance of SantiagoÂ’s Path (Camino de Santiago) from France with legends of Charlemagne and Roland. Shelter for pilgrims for centuries and now also Jacobean touristic settlement with an excellent collegiate. Bucolic natural
Pico Txindoki
Visible desde muchos los puntos del País Vasco, es el referente de la sierra de Aralar. Su alfilado pico de caliza y su arista, emblemática resulta para los alpinistas y amantes de la escalada.
Claustro de Estella-Lizarra
El claustro románico es uno de los enclaves más visitados de Estella-Lizarra, templo con una portada también románica con lóbulos. Otros templos románicos son las iglesias del Santo Sepulcro y San Miguel. Ciudad clave del Camino de Santiago.
Nacedero del río Urederra
The spring where the river Urederra is born is of hidden dream on the feet of the walls of the limestone walls of Urbasa, the symbol of the forest from Navarre. It is a truly wonder, and also is a Natural Reserve with waterfalls.
Artikutza Farm
The farm of Artikutza is a natural enclave of 3,800 hectares with lots of animals, many of them are endangered, and over six million of beech and oak. And there is a reservoir.
Xorroxin Waterfall
Awesome nature, a half hidden waterfall through the forest where the sirens used to straighten their hair with golden combs. Singing water, beech, oaks, hazel and chestnut wait for us.
Foz de Lumbier
It is a deep and narrow gorge around the river Irati of a length of just over a kilometer and a maximum altitude of 120 m. Ideal Natural Reserve to a stunning landscape, to see a variety of vegetation and vultures.
Conjunto medieval de Olite
Walking through Olite is getting into a fascinating medieval urban plot in which stands the palatial Gothic castle with its thick walls and crenellated towers. Stone houses with their blazons and the good wine wait for the visitors as well.
Caves of Zugarramurdi
Magic, fantasy and witchcraft have become Zugaramurdi Cave on one unique tourist settlement t 400 meters from the border town with France in the western Pyrenees of Navarre. There is also a Museum of Witches as supplement.
Selva del Irati
This forest is the second largest and best preserved beech-fir forest of Europe, after the Black Forest of Alemania. There are 17,000 hectares, almost in virgin state with a high ecological value, at the head of the Pyrenean valley of Aezkoa and Salazar.
Foz de Arbayún
A la entrada del pirenaico valle de Salazar, entre Lumbier y el Almiradío de Navascués, es la más extensa e impresionante de las gargantas navarras. El río Salazar va encadado sobre Imponentes paredes verticales a lo largo de casi seis kilómetros.
Castillo de Javier
Its crenellated towers cut the sky strengthening its medieval charm. Cuna de San Francisco Javier, 8 km away from Sangüesa, to which people from Navarre go on a pilgrimage in the Javierada. Its architectural group, in part was rebuilt, it is awesome.
Monasterio de Leyre
One of the best monasteries of Spain is located in a beautiful natural environment in which a Romanesque nascent emerges uniquely from the twelfth and twelfth centuries. And close it is the reservoir of Yesa as a complement for the traveler.
Roman Museum of Oiasso
The Roman Museum of Oiasso in Irun was nominated for the European Museum of the Year Award 2009. The museum has three rooms that trace the Roman period and display Roman artefacts found in the Bidasoa region.
Between the sea and the Jaizkibel mountains, Hondarribia is a walled town full of charm. You can find yourself in a situation where you don't feel like you're in the same town; every corner is totally different.
Parque de Pagoeta y Ferreria de Agorregi
El molino hidráulico, sus grandes fuelles y el mazo de ferrería eran el modo de producir hierro antes de la aparición de los altos hornos. Y el Parque Natural es n buen ejemplo de paisaje humanizado y de explotación tradicional,
La Concha Beach and Peine de los Vientos (Wind Comb)
La Concha beach is perhaps the most famous beach in the world on the peninsula. It was near this beach that the sculptor Eduardo Chillida created one of his most famous works, El Peine de los Vientos (The Comb of the Winds).
Puerto de Larrau y Orhi
Vistas maravillosas pirenaicas de Navarra y de Francia al que se accede desde Ochagavia y que dispone de un amplio camping desde el que podemos acercarnos a miradores y hacer senderismo o subir, si eres experto, hasta el Pico de Orhi-Ori.
Sos del Rey Católico
Sos puede presumir de conservar uno de los mejores conjuntos medievales de Aragón. De hecho, está declarado Conjunto Histórico-Artístico. En lo más alto, se alza la torre del homenaje de su castillo del siglo XII.
Burgui y oficios antiguos
Burgui abre el Valle del Roncal por el sur con su puente medieval que es cruzado el Día de la Almadía por estas embarcaciones El pueblo es bello en sí mismo pero además hay enclaves naturales preciosos como la Foz de Burgui y las Balsas de Sasi.
Santuario de Loyola
El santuario de Loyola es un amplio conjunto de monumentos alrededor de la casa natal de Ignacio de Loyola. Ocupa una amplia extensión y entre los monumentos el que destaca por su relevancia es la basílica.
Santuario de Arantzazu
El arte vasco de vanguardia, el hecho religioso y un entorno natural sobrecogedor se dan la mano en el santuario de Arantzazu. Situado en Oñate, donde se venera a la Virgen de Aránzazu, patrona de esta provincia.
Roncal, casonas y Gayarre
Roncal es un prodigio de arquitectura pirenaica con sus casonas. Hay que visitar también la Casa-Museo Julián Gayarre y su Mausoleo, así como el Centro de Interpretación de la Naturaleza y la iglesia de San Esteban. Y hay que probar los quesos.
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